• An initial attendance on you
• Drafting the application form for the grant
• Completing an Inheritance Tax form IHT205 only from the information supplied by you
• Arranging for you to sign the application for the grant and the IHT205 and submitting these to the Court and obtaining the grant.
*Disbursements are monies that we would have to pay out on your behalf for items such as Court fees (estimated at £273 with VAT not being payable on this amount), statutory advertisements (estimated at £100 plus VAT of £20 if required), local newspaper adverts (up to £260 plus VAT of £52) and office copies (£1.50 each plus £0.30p VAT for each one)
This service does not include:
• Obtaining any details or values of the assets in the estate
• Registering the grant with any body
• Administering the estate
• Dealing with the transfer of any assets or property
• Completing any other tax form other than the IHT205.
If you would prefer us to provide a service including obtaining values of assets in the estate, for example Bank and Building Society accounts and shares, and then collecting and distributing the estate in addition to completing the IHT205 and obtaining the grant we can do this for a fixed fee of £2,500 plus VAT od £500.00 and disbursements on the following basis:
• The estate comprises up to ten separate assets or accounts and up to five different beneficiaries in the UK.
• In addition to completing an IHT205 and obtaining the grant to the estate we will write to bodies holding assets to obtain values, following receipt of the grant registering it with the relevant bodies and arrange for withdrawal of funds, prepare accounts for approval and distribute the funds to the beneficiaries.
This however will not include:
• Dealing with an Inland Revenue form IHT400 or any Schedules or forms in addition to a form IHT205;
• Transfers of any property;
• Completing any probate forms other than an application for a grant of probate or administration, if there is no Will;
Any disputes;
Court fees or any other necessary disbursements.